Aldeburgh Residency – The Hermes Experiment

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5-11 September, Aldeburgh Music

In light of Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary, The Hermes Experiment (harp, clarinet, soprano and double bass) will develop their new interpretation of Shakepeare’s The Winter’s Tale during their residency at Aldeburgh Music in September 2016, to be premiered at the Cockpit Theatre in December 2016.

They will work in close collaboration with director Nina Brazier and composer Kim Ashton, with the aim of highlighting key themes of the play through a condensed version of Shakespeare’s work. Each of the themes will become a ‘movement’ and will involve a different approach to the relationship between text and music.

They will be exploring a new mode of theatre that uses music and musicians as a vital part of the drama. Kim Ashton will lead the development of the music, which will include both improvised and semi-improvised elements and will be a central part of the work, not merely an accompaniment to the play. A group of actors will also be involved in the project, bringing life to Shakespeare’s colourful cast of characters.