The Hermes Experiment
The Foundling Museum, 3pm
Soosan Lolavar, Mah Didam
Kate Whitley, My Hands
Bach, ‘Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer, Not’ (arr. Cole)
Handel, “Endless Pleasure” from Semele (arr. Werner)
Debussy, Mandoline (arr. Werner) and Fantoche (arr. Schofield)
Prokofiev (arr. Schofield), Visions Fugitives no. 1, 7, 8 and 16, op. 22
Rachmaninov (arr. Denholm), Fragments, op. posth
Richard Rodney Bennett (arr. Pashley), ‘Slow Foxtrot’ from A History of the Thé Dansant
Don McLean, “Vincent” (arr. Denholm)
New semi-improvised piece based on one of the paintings in the gallery